Winning the War of Casino War
Casino War is a classic card game where you win if your card has a higher face value than your opponent’s. However, as easy as that sounds, there is a reason this is called a war. Not only do you need to have Lady Luck on your side, but you also require a perfect strategy to win. In addition, you can never say ‘no’ to a few tips to win this game, which is why you should read on and discover the golden rules of mastering Casino War and enjoying while you play.
Be Mentally Prepared for a Very Quick Game
Unlike most casino gambling activities, Casino War is designed to be a very fast-paced game. You should be prepared for this if you want to win because it’s quite easy to bet away most of your money within a short time span. Even though the house advantage is relatively lower in this activity, you can easily lose your shirt once you get a bad run of cards.

Another strategy to handle the quick pace of this game is to take frequent breaks. This will help you settle down and break away from the temptation a heated game can offer. Besides, a few minutes away will refresh you and allow you to focus more on the game. This strategy will help you to play europa casino. In online casino you can always take a break.
Lay Down the Bankroll
Casino War is simply a bet and win game, which is why it becomes very crucial for the player to play safe at times. Players must set up a fixed bankroll or fund that would help them survive to a certain extent in the game. This would help gamblers from losing all their money and ultimately result in a good opportunity to win the lost money back.
Never Say ‘I Give Up’
Remember that this activity is actually similar to war than a simple casino game. Therefore, no matter what happens, you should never surrender. Besides, if you give up at a certain stage of the game, especially when you and your opponent face a tie, you will give a plus point to the house. In addition, surrendering will never benefit you if the casino is efficient enough to offer exceptional bonuses for consecutive ties.
Focus on the House Advantage
Casino War usually lures gamblers by flaunting a fifty percent chance of winning, but this isn’t the real deal of this gambling activity. Here the house has an advantage over the other player. Under common rules, the house advantage is played at 2.33%, but that percentage can differ depending on the number of decks. The percentage can also change in the rare case of the casino not offering bonuses on tied war hands. So, make sure to find out about the house advantage and focus on it to wield it in your favor.
Set Limits for Your Time and Losses
Like any gambling activity, a healthy Casino War game requires that you set a time limit and a loss limit. With these values on your mind, you will be able to exercise self-control. As a result, you won’t have to worry about losing too much money or developing a gambling addiction.
Quite While You’re Still Ahead
You need to lock in your winnings to actually go home with your pockets relatively full. To do this, you should quit after winning some money. Before heading to the casino, set a winnings limit; once you reach it, simply stop playing and prevent the casino from taking back your money.
Remember and incorporate these tips in your gameplay if you want to be victorious in Casino War. However, don’t forget to have fun in the process or else you will be missing out on the main purpose of heading to a casino.